Basic policy in the event of an infectious disease epidemic `1. The concept of Homii is that hosts and guests can live together as a family through homestay. (The guest and the host shall respect others in any situation, including emergency period)
Hosts and guests shall use Homii with the full understanding that they may be at an increased risk of infectious disease during an infectious disease epidemic.
To the extent that the provisions of Section 3 conflict with any other provision of the Homii Terms of Service or this Agreement, the provisions of Section 3 shall take precedence.`
Rules that host must comply with `1. The Host shall immediately report any suspected or contracted the infectious disease to Diverseas and follow Diverseas' instructions.
The Host shall not cancel the Host's services or remove the Guest from the residence even if the Guest is suspected to have contracted or contracted an infectious disease. However, in the event that the Guest is unable to leave the Guest's residence at the end of the stay due to a suspected or contracted an infectious disease, Diverseas shall pay to the Host the Host's receipts for the Guest's stay at the end of the stay on a prorated basis.
In the event of an infectious disease epidemic, the host shall implement appropriate infectious disease control measures in the residence, and if a guest is suspected or contracted an infectious disease, provide appropriate support to the guest as well as family members. The host shall provide countermeasures against infectious diseases and support for guests in accordance with the countermeasures and guidelines provided by administrative agencies such as the government and local public bodies and experts.
The Host shall not make any claim against the Guest for any damage caused by the suspected or contracted infection of the Guest, unless the Guest is liable.
Diverseas shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Host as a result of a Guest's suspected or contracted infectious disease.`
Rules that guest must comply with `1. The Guest shall immediately report to Diverseas and follow Diverseas' instructions if it is suspected or contracted that the Host or any person residing in the Guest's residence has contracted an infectious disease.
If the Guest suspects or becomes infected with an infectious disease by the Host or any person living in the Guest's residence, the Guest shall discuss the cancellation of the Host Service with the Diverseas and if the Diverseas allows the cancellation of the Host Service by specifying a termination date, the Host Service shall be terminated on such specified termination date.
In the event that a Guest leaves the residence without obtaining approval from Diverseas for cancellation of the Host Service as stipulated in (2) above, Diverseas shall not refund any monthly homestay fee to the Guest.
If the Guest is unable to leave the Guest's residence after the end of the stay due to suspected or contracted infectious disease, the Guest shall pay to Diverseas the monthly homestay fee for the duration of the stay after the end of the stay, calculated on a prorated basis. 5.In the event of an epidemic of an infectious disease, the Guest shall follow the proposed countermeasures and guidelines provided by administrative agencies such as the government and local public bodies and experts.
In the event of an infectious disease epidemic, the Guest shall follow the Host's instructions and implement appropriate infectious disease control measures in the Guest's residence.
The Guest shall not make any claim against the host or any person living in the accommodation unless the Guest is liable for any damage caused by the alleged or suspected contraction of an infectious disease by the Host or the person living in the accommodation.
Diverseas shall not be liable for any damage caused to guests as a result of the suspected or contracted infection of the host or any person residing in the accommodation.`
Other rules
1. In addition to the above, detailed rules that hosts and guests must follow in the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease can be found on the Diverseas website, and hosts and guests must follow these rules.
(Diverseas's website)
Please refer to the following information for precautions in the home if someone is suspected to be infected with the new coronavirus.
(Reference) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, "Q&A on the new coronavirus (general information)