When you have communicated enough with your host, you two can go to agreement and secure your booking!

1. Host sends you the homestay conditions

You will receive the email once your host sends you the homestay conditions.Host has been already agreed on hosting you, so it's up to you now to finalize the agreement!Your host hasn't sent you the conditions yet?You may need more communication so that your host will be confident to accept you.

2. Go to the message page

Go to the message page with your host, and tap [Click to view the homestay conditions]

Want to cancel your inquiry?Click the [here] at the bottom of massage page.

2. Check the homestay conditions

After confirming the conditions your host sent, if you are ok with that, click [Consent]

If you want to change the conditions, click [Request a Change]Please tell which part of condition you want your host to change on message.

This is the agreement between you and your host. Please scroll down and read it.

4. Agree the Homestay Agreement

6. Register your credit card information

7. Make payment